Frequently Asked Questions
Some information simply bears repeating. In that spirit, here are some of our most frequently asked questions around HearSource products and services.
It’s even easier than buying. When you purchase our hearing aids, we send you some programming equipment to wear while we program your hearing aids via your smartphone or computer. When it’s done, you remove everything but the hearing aids, and go live your best life! If you need adjustments, you only have to set up an appointment and we’ll re-connect with you to adjust your hearing aids. Adjustments are free for the life of your hearing aids. The only thing you need is an Internet connection. We can service you even when you’re not at home, if you have your programming equipment on-hand. We will be on the phone with you the entire time (and for some brands, we can even do video teleconferencing while we set you up), helping you get the best possible hearing out of your hearing aids.
That’s like answering the question, “What kind of eyeglasses do you recommend?” You and an expert need to have that conversation together! No single brand, model, or style of hearing aid fixes every type of hearing loss. When we recommend a model or brand over the phone, it’s because we are confident that it will address your hearing loss appropriately, and allow you to live your best life. (Even if it’s not the most expensive one we offer, and that’s rarely the one we recommend anyways!). For more help, please call 1(800) 416-2434.
Our owner is a Licensed Hearing Aid Dealer. Our Online Fitting Experts are Licensed Hearing Specialists. You will get the same (or often better) service than what you find in local hearing aid stores, but in the comfort of your own home. See your doctor for a hearing examination, and then call on us to fill your prescription.
If we are unable to repair your hearing aids, they will be returned to you unrepaired at no charge to you.
Please send all hearing aids for programming or repairs to:
108 E. Pat Rady Way BOX 364
Bainbridge Indiana, 46105

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